Dynamic Digital Atlas and GIS for Ecozone "Sofia-East", Regional Information Centre for Urban Environment and GIS - Management, Creation of Reliable Database, Control and Revision by Space Imagery

Participants: Bavarian Ministry of Environment, ASDE, BASA-ReSAC

The Dynamic Digital Atlas contains 20 thematic maps and the corresponding additional information, which are related to the so-called ECOZONE SOFIA-EAST. The atlas contains also some base layers as infrastructure, hydrology and administrative boundaries of the Ecozone area. All data is derived from a real GIS data, captured and maintained with SICAD Spatial Desktop software at the Regional Information Centre for Urban Environment and GIS – Agency for Sustainable Development and Eurointegration.

The ECOZONE SOFIA-EAST is a pilot project, developed in the frame of PHARE Program in 1997-8 – BG 9310-03-05-05. The Pilot Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for ECOZONE SOFIA EAST was developed for an urban/rural area of 135 km2 situated to the east of Sofia. Later with the support of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of Sofia Municipality the project was enlarged up to 209 km2. From 2001 the basic principles of sustainable development were accepted for the whole area of Sofia Municipality.

The atlas was prepared with the software Dynamic Atlas, version 3.0 developed by Spatial Knowledge Engineering Inc. (SKE), Canada. The atlas was developed with the participation of experts from the BASA-ReSAC and with the kind support of Sofia Municipality and the Bavarian Ministry of Environment and Regional Development.
