Projects 2012

COSMOS+: Continuation оf the Cooperation of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services


Project ID: 284434

Funded under: FP7-SPACE

Duration: 2012.05.01 – 2014.11.30


Participants: Project's partners include companies and institutions from 25 European countries, including ReSAC and Space Research and Technology Institute from Bulgaria.

In June 2008 the Space National Contact Points (NCPs) from 33 EU member states and FP7 associated countries started COSMOS, the “Cooperation of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services”.

COSMOS was the first networking activity for Space NCPs. Through the practical experience the partners further on learned a lot about effective exchanges, joint activities, needs and about each other. COSMOS+ builds on this experience and goes further in strengthening the NCPs capacity building and maximising the quality of their services for the Space clients all over Europe and beyond.

Consulting Service for Preparation of Methodology for Flood Risk Assessment


Remote Sensing Application Center – RESAC is the contractor of a Contract of Service №24214 /06.07.2012 with subject “Consulting service for preparation of methodology for flood risk assessment” under the main contract № Д-30-62/18.04.2012 concluded between National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH) and Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Water (MOEW) for implementation of a public procurement with subject “Methodology for flood hazard assessment and flood risk assessment according to the requirements of Directive 2007/60/EU” and a contracting authority - MOEW.

Main activities:

  • Criteria and methods to determine and classify the significance of risk and identify the ASPFR
  • Methodology for flood risk assessment
  • Methodology for establishment of Flood Risk Maps

The implementation of the contract is coordinated with MOEW, Water Management Directorate.

More information can be obtained from the website of the Danube River Basin Directorate-Pleven

Identifying Floodplains for Pilot Areas of Lom, Nikopol, Belene and Ruse, Preparation of GIS-Projects for Visualization of Floodplains and Training of Users to Work with Them

seedanube floodriskmoew

Remote Sensing Application Center – RESAC is the contractor of a Contract for Service № Д - 30-234/16.10.2012 with subject: “Identifying floodplains for pilot areas of Lom, Nikopol, Belene and Ruse, preparation of GIS-projects for visualization of floodplains and training of users to work with them” within project “Stakeholder Oriented Flood Risk Assessment for the Danube Floodplains”, SEE A/077/2.1/X, (DANUBE FLOODRISK), financed by Operation Programme “Southeast Europe 2007- 2013”.

Main activities:

  • Identifying floodplains of four settlements (Lom, Nikopol, Belene and Ruse) and preparation of illustrative/overview maps of floodplains corresponding to events with a return period of 1000 years and 100 years on orthophoto.
  • Preparation of GIS-projects for visualization of floodplains of four settlements (LOM, Nikopol, Belene and Ruse), based on free GIS-software, free to use and working with data compatible with ArcGIS-formats.
  • Training of users for work with GIS-projects for floodplains.

The implementation of the contract is coordinated by European and International Projects Directorate of Ministry of Environment and Water (MОEW), managing project DANUBE FLOODRISK.

Common Strategy for Sustainable Territorial Development of the Cross-Border Area Romania-Bulgaria

cbcbulgaria governmentromania governmentcbc spatial

Project Code: MIS ETC Code 171

Programme of Initiative: Romania-Bulgaria Cross Border Cooperation Programme, 2007-2013

Start of the Project: 02.2012

Duration: 32 months

Bulgarian Beneficiary: MRDPW, the nine Danube regions (NUTS3)

The main objective of the project is Elaborate a Common Territorial Development Strategy for the sustainable spatial and economic development of the Romanian-Bulgarian Cross-Border area. The core of the project is to set up a comprehensive territorial database for the Romanian-Bulgarian Cross-Border area based on Land Cover objects essential for better territorial development and planning.

Agency of Sustainable Development and Eurointegration (ASDE) and ReSAC experts are actively involved the development of the common spatial database (SDB) of Bulgarian and Romanian territory. The general feature of the SDB will be landcover information on UN-FAO LCCS / LCML methodology and based on satellite imageries.

More about the project:
