Preparation of Flood Hazard Maps and Flood Risk Maps Within the Territory of the East Aegean River Basin Directorate
Duration: eight months
Partners: ARCADIA ENGINEERING Ltd., Remote Sensing Application Center – ReSAC, „Hidroproekt - Sofia" Ltd.
Remote Sensing Application Center – ReSAC is a Contractor under a public procurement according to Contract Д-ОПН- 22/04.05.2015 concluded with East Aegean River Basin Directorate with subject: „Preparation of Flood Hazard Maps and Flood Risk Maps within the Territory of the East Aegean River Basin Directorate“, according to the requirements of Directive 2007/60/EU, under Project № DIR-51211229-1-171 "Preparation of Flood Risk Management Plans" funded by grant BG161P0005/12/1.20/02/29 under Priority Axis 1 "Improving and developing of the infrastructure for drinking water and waste water" of Operational Programme "Environment 2007-2013".
The areas at potential significant flood risk within the territory of East Aegean Region are 31 with total length of 1077 km. The activities under the contract are distributed to the main river basins, as follows:
- Basin of Maritsa River - 18 areas with total length of 805 km;
- Basin of Tundzha River - 5 areas with total length of 207 km;
- Basin of Arda River: 8 areas with total length of 65 km.
Main activities:
- Preparatory activities and an inception report
- Geodetic measurements and a digital terrain model with a 3D integrated river bed of the Arda River. Tundzha River and Maritsa River (1077 km)
- Hydrological studies - preparation of functions of the probability distribution and determination of maximum water quantities with 5%, 1% and 0.1% security (respectively 20, 100 и 1000 annual recurrence). Establishment of generalized key curves at the hydrometric stations that fall within the zones that should be modeled, determination of regional dependencies, etc.
- Hydraulic studies and establishment of 1D and 2D hydrodynamic models, including constructing a hydraulic model, calibration of a hydraulic model, validation of a hydraulic model. Examination of the results of the hydraulic modeling
- Flood Hazard Assessment (draft and final version of flood hazard maps). Determining floodplains in different scenarios through crossing of the water surface obtained from the hydraulic modeling and the digital terrain model
- Flood Risk Assessment (draft and final version of flood risk maps) - Preparation of maps of the elements of risk that fall into the scope of the hazard territories for certain scenarios
- Establishment of geodatabase for each area at potential significant flood risk (APSFR) with interim and final results and preparation of the information for reporting.
- Determining uncertainty.
- Preparation of reports and a final version of flood hazard maps and flood risk maps.
More information can be obtained from the website of the East Aegean River Basin Directorate - Plovdiv.