On 27th November 2007 in Boyana Residency SAITC together with ASDE and SPOT Image organised a workshop entitled "State of the Art of Remote Sensing Technologies for Risk Management in Bulgaria". The workshop was organised in the frame of the Bulgarian-French pilot project BulgaRisk - "Integration of Satellite Imageries in the Operational Procedures of Risk Management in Republic of Bulgaria".
The project is initiated by the SAITC and ASDE from the Bulgarian side, and SPOT Image from the French side. The main financial support comes from the government of the Republic of France.
Here you can see the presentation of Florance Baillarin regarding the project BulgaRisk. | ![]() |
Shortly after the workshop the magazine Computerworld wrote an article about the project, which could be found here.
On 23rd October 2007 (Tuesday) at 9:00 h. a workshop with practical focus onto the "Agriculture today and tomorrow" is going to be held in the hotel "Sveta Sofia" (18, Pirotska Str.). The most resent novelties in the industry of the today's agricultural practices, which adopt aerospace and GIS technology, are going to be presented, as well as relevant Web services. The registration is going to take place in front of the Hall Sofia from 9:00 to 9:30 h. when additional materials will be distributed to the workshop's participants.
The information event includes the latest novelties in scope of practice and application of the current technologies in agriculture. The conference is going to continue the entire day. Representatives of the company GEOSYS - France and its partner in Bulgaria - ReSAC (Remote Sensing Application Centre) are going to introduce the moderators and will demonstrate the most resent technologic products and solutions for optimisation of your practices. In addition, they are going to give answers to the questions related to general agriculture policy in European Union.
The National Fire Safety and Civil Protection Service (NFSCPS) of the MIA, together with the Bulgarian chairmanship of the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) Programme, organised two full-scale practical workshops. The subject of the practices was the fire safety of the water transport and ports receiving oil product.
The first workshop was held in Rousse, from 24th to 26th Sept. 2007, and was a full-scale practice with international participation “FIRE 2007”. The subject of the practice was “Localization and elimination of the results of an average and subsequent fire on a site of the critical infrastructure on the territory of the region of Ruse” – during a tanker unshipping in Danube River, an average arises, resulting in fire causing subsequent explosion.
The second workshop was carried out in the town of Varna, on 26 and 27th Sept. 2007, with an organised scientific-practical conference with international participation on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the fire suppression on tanker "ERMA". The workshop was split into sessions devoted to the "Organisation and management of the fire safety in the water transport" and to the "Security aspects in the water transport".
Experts from ReSAC, along with experts from the French companies SPOT Image and SERTIT, were invited as observers of the training. This was necessary because one of the main partners in the project BULGARISK is the National Service "Fire and Emergency Safety", and it was of explicit importance to see and analyse at-the-spot the connection between the individual units and structures, which must be in collaboration when a disaster occurs.
When the training was finished the vice-minister of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs Mr. Mustafa presented the representative of SERTIT with a plaket of MIA. Such was given to all foreigner observers from Romania, Moldova, Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia.
The duties of ReSAC, according to its contract with JRC – EU, related to the second phase of an insight study on the orthorectification accuracy of FORMOSAT-2, are fulfilled.
The aim of this study was to finalize the analysis on the potential of the FORMOSAT-2 satellite as a backup sensor for the CwRS Campaigns, which are carried out on a yearly basis over the EU member states. Essentially, the research consisted of consecutive orthorectifications of an image with gradually increasing, in a strict order, number of GCPs. The test was performed on two distinct study areas – one over Sozopol in Bulgaria and another over Mausanne in France. Furthermore, for each site two different incidence angles were evaluated for their effect over the orthorectification products' positional accuracy.
The results of this research are going to be reported on the Annual Conference on the CwRS, organized by DG JRC for the member states of the EU, which is going to be held in November 2007 in Madrid.
In the beginning of August, the team of ReSAC participated in an international remote sensing experiment focused on the soil conditioning and soil moisture as well as infiltration levels and the application of most resent technological solutions.
As a result of the planned flight operation of AeroCommander 500, mounted with 4 sensors for simultaneous measurements of the visible and infrared as well as the cm-wide-bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, a thematic map, as well as 3D imagery of portion of the river valleys of Yantra and Rusenski Lom Rivers, were created.
The unique instrumentation and technology for such soil measurements was developed in Russia, while the European Space Agency has assisted in aircraft's installations.
During the experiment the skills and expertise of teams from Bulgaria, Russia, Holland, USA and Ukraina were utilized, which have started their scientific collaborations years ago.
The experiments were carried out as of the initiative and assignment upon the State Agency for Information Technology and Communications, and with the active collaboration of the municipality of Rousse as well as other state and private institutions.
The results are meant for easy and comfortable usage by specialists and experts, involved in decision making.
In the beginning of July 2007 experts from ReSAC participated in the first workshop devoted to the BULGARISK project, organised by the State Agency for Information Technologies and Communications (SAITC). This is a Bulgarian-French pilot project subjected to "Integration of satellite imageries in the operational workflow of risk management in Bulgaria" and is financially aided by the government of the Republic of France.
ReSAC, which is the Bulgarian partner in this project, works closely together with the Agency for Sustainable Development and Eurointegration, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), the National Fire Safety and Protection of Population Service (NFSPPS), the National Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH), the State Agency for Forestry (NUG) and other important institutions.
The project is going to be accomplished in a period of one year, and its beneficent is the State Agency for Information Technology and Communications.
The French party constitutes of SPOT Image – leader on the project, INFOTERRA, SERTIT and Boast Technology.
The risk for flooding’s, forest fires and Black sea's water pollution with petroleum products as well as their detection and prediction through Space and GIS technologies for the needs of the effective management are going to be the main issues during the work on the project.
InterGeo East is a Trade Fair and Conference for Land management, Geoinformation, Building Industry, and Environment. This year, in the period 1-2 March 2007, Bulgaria will be the conference's host. Visit the counter of ReSAC (Hall 1 | 1.235) on this important forum for product and knowledge transfer in the industry of geoinformation. InterGeo East will be held at the Inter Expo Center Sofia (147 Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd.).