Remote Sensing Application Center – ReSAC, together with Agency of Sustainable Development and Eurointegration - Ecoregions (ASDE) under the Bulgarian information office for Earth observation - COPERNICUS, work in close collaboration with the Disaster Risk Management and Knowledge Center with DG JRC E1.
One of the first practical steps of ReSAC-ASDE toward of Integrated Risk&Territory Management was the French-Bulgarian project BULGARISK 2007-2009 (BULGARISK Bulgarian-French movie).
During the last 10 years a lot of International and National projects were implemented by our team in collaboration with EU Structures. Recently all these problems are very topical and we are involved in implementation of different EU directives on National and Regional level. The regional networks are a good example of International Collaboration and the results of them are:
On the occasion of the 2nd World Bank Geospatial Day during the 6th and 7th of December 2017 in Washington DC, EARSC has been requested by ESA to participate and represent the European Earth Observation industry. At the invitation of EARSC, ReSAC participated with the following material:
Regional networks for Integrated Risk & Territory Management | ![]() |
As distributor of KOMPSAT imageries we would like to inform you that Satrec Initiative Imaging Services (SIIS) is having a GOOD-BYE 2017 Promotion of KOMSPAT-3A, 3 and 5 data with 50% discount on archive order and 20% discount on new tasking order until 31st of December 2017.
You can refer to the image on the right that depicts the KOMPSAT archive coverage for Bulgaria for the past year and in case of interest you can contact us to assist you with the purchase.
The meeting was organized by JRC, in collaboration with the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) and the Irish Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM)
28-29 November 2017, CityNorth Hotel & Conference Center, Gormanston, Co. Meath, Ireland
The conference provided a platform to present and discuss Member States’ experiences and general observations regarding the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS), including developments in shared management. The main topics were methodological developments and innovations, highlights of the 2018 technical guidance documents, technical aspects triggered by the revision of Implementing Regulation 809/2014 towards monitoring, the implementation of the amendment of the Delegated Regulation 639/2014 after the greening review and insights into the CAP 2020 challenges of simplification and innovation.
Remote Sensing Application Center – ReSAC participated with a presentation of the results of the project "Assessment and mapping of GRASSLAND ecosystems condition and their services in Bulgaria, Contr. Д-33-90/03.09.2015" under the BG03 program of the Financial Mechanism оf тhe European Economic Area (EЕА) 2009-2014 ( Discussing the possibilities of using the project results in the EU Common Agricultural Policy, in particular in the topic of Ecological Focused Areas (EFA) and “Green direct payments”.
More information about the conference and presentations can be obtained from this link.
In relation to the GRASSLAND project completion "Assessment and mapping of GRASSLAND ecosystems condition and their services in Bulgaria" of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (FM / EEA 2009-2014), a new report on selected grassland ecosystem types and services aimed at general public has been developed and published. The report is providing information on the assessment and mapping of GRASSLAND ecosystems condition and their services in Bulgaria, located outside the NATURA and the protected area system in Bulgaria.
A digital copy of the report can be downloaded here | ![]() |
The event is the Final GlobBiomass User Consultation Meeting organized together with FAO/UN, European Space Agency (ESA) and University of Jena-Germany.
The main scientific themes were:
All presentations were focused on the following issues:
The title of our presentation is: "Strengthening Global Forest resilience and user oriented services" - Agency for Sustainable Development and Eurointegration - ASDE, Remote Sensing Application Center – ReSAC, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - BAS
More information in:
As of 7 of Sept., 2017 Remote Sensing Application Center - ReSAC signed an agreement with Satrec Initiative Imaging Services (SIIS) for international distribution of KOMPSAT satellite data. Anyone is able to browse the image catalog at and if you find data of interest to contact us to order the product or you can contact us to assist you. You are also able to order a new tasking.
KOMPSAT (Korean Multi-Purpose Satellite) program is a part of Korean government’s space development program, which aims at providing very high resolution satellite imagery to national and international remote sensing society. As a national space program, data continuity of KOMPSAT is guaranteed for both VHR Optical and SAR.
The KOMPSAT series are VHR Optical data for KOMPSAT-2, 3 and 3A satellites, and an X-band SAR payload for KOMPSAT-5. For more information about the products:
In relation to the FEMA project completion "Fresh water ecosystem services mapping and assessment in Bulgaria", financed by the BG03 Program "Biodiversity and Ecosystems" of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (FM / EEA 2009-2014), a new scientific study has been developed and published providing an information on the mapping and assessment of Freshwater and Marine ecosystems in Bulgaria, located outside the NATURA and the protected area system in Bulgaria (national and nature parks, strict and maintained reserves, protected localities, natural landmarks).
A digital copy of the scientific study can be downloaded here | ![]() |
ReSAC is responsible for the development and implementation of GIS Modules to publish and visualize project results of two projects – GRASSLAND and FEMA, which are financed by Program BG03 "Biodiversity and Ecosystems" and co-financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA FM 2009-2014).
This type of data is first published for the entire territory of an EU Member State outside NATURA 2000 Network.
Project results can be used by different users for research, analysis and decision making. Mapping data for grassland and freshwater ecosystems condition and their services in Bulgaria are published in two separate, specialized Web GIS Modules.
GIS Modules realization is based on open source software. The web-based architecture is compliant with the OGC standard. Geographic (spatial) information is provided by GeoServer, which includes outputs such as dynamic geographic data representation (Web-based GIS maps), access to spatial object attributes and search for attribute information. The flexibility of the proposed architecture provides OGC services to access spatial information (WMS and WFS), export to PostgreSQL / PostGIS DB of vector data and metadata to them, export to ESRI Shapefile, GML, GeoJSON and / or raster.
Databases are structured in separate groups in terms of ecosystem types, condition indicators and indicators of ecosystem services.
Users can use different base maps for visualization, such as satellite imagery or different types of maps.
Users can also visualize each indicator individually, to making reference to different attributes for each layer, and check the characteristics of the different types of indicators.
For more specialized users, it is also possible to use data in their desktop software via WMS and WFS services.
GIS modules are available at the following web addresses:
On 09 May 2017 Regional Workshop of the GEO-CRADLE Horizon2020 project (Coordinating and integrating state of the art Earth Observation Activities in the regions of North Africa, Middle East, and Balkans and Developing Links with GEO related initiatives towards GEOSS) was held in National Institute of Research and Development for Earth's Physics (NIRDEP), Bucharest, Romania. The Workshop was jointly organized by the Project coordinator National Observatory of Athens (NOA) and the Project Partner National Institute of R&D for Optoelectronics (INOE).
This regional workshop was focused on identifying the potential local challenges hindering the Earth Observation (EO) market uptake and business performances, while seeking solutions to enhance growth and innovation in the geo-information sector. The possibilities for knowledge sharing and an enhanced cooperation between academia and industry were discussed.
Within the framework of the event were presented the opportunities for European financing activities in the "Earth observation" sector.
Remote Sensing Application Center – ReSAC and Agency of Sustainable Development and Eurointegration – Ecoregions (ASDE) participated jointly with one presentation - "The EU Data quality challenge: garbage in - garbage out"
On 30.04.2017 the project "Assessment and mapping of GRASSLAND ecosystems condition and their services in Bulgaria" under program BG03 Biodiversity and ecosystem services co-financed with the funds of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2009-2014 was completed.
The project aims to ensure an opportunity to explore various issues related to the availability of grassland ecosystems, combined with the long-term preservation of their potential. The project will contribute original information about the grasslands outside the Natura 2000 network, about their distribution, biophysical parameters and capacity for commercial use. Hence we will directly contribute to the sustainable management of grasslands in Bulgaria. The collected and processed information will be fed into the National Information System on Biodiversity to establish a reliable source for monitoring changes and implement adequate conservation measures. Project partners: Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IBER – BAS) – Lead partner, Remote Sensing Application Center – ReSAC, Bulgarian Society for Protection of Birds – BSPB, Biosphere Consult Ltd.
The project results and, in particular, the results of its additional activity "Using the assessment of grassland ecosystems and their services for Ecologically Focused Areas (EFA)", are of paramount importance for the development and improvement of the EC's Common Agricultural Policy in the part of "Green Payments".
The workshop was scheduled in the definition of the project. The communication from the JRC was taken over and the meeting led by Vincenzo Angileri, Scientific Project Officer, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Directorate D – Sustainable Resources, Unit D5 Food Security. In addition, there were six CAP experts from the same Directorate.
Two representatives from the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IBER – BAS) - Prof. Iva Apostolova and Dr. Desislava Sopotlieva and two from the Remote Sensing Application Center – ReSAC - Vasil Vassilev and Dipl. eng. Radko Radkov participated on the Bulgarian side.
The meeting took place in a dialogue - the results of the project were presented through computer presentations that were interrupted to answer specific questions or discuss specific details.
The developed web GIS portal was presented. The portal provides full information on project outcomes through geographic and tabular components. Through the published thematic maps, each one can get an idea of each grass ecosystem for each status indicator or ecosystem service indicator.
The experts from the JRC have greatly appreciated the huge amount of work done and have shown great interest, which has been explained by the great potential of using the data of grassland ecosystems and their services in creating better and more accurate assessments in Member States' activities in the " Green Direct Payments ".
Ideas have been identified for the implementation of the results presented in the upgrade of the CBC project SPATIAL / Bulgaria-Romania / and also for the needs of IACS and LPIS.
More information for the project:
On 24 March 2017 Regional Workshop of the GEO-CRADLE Horizon2020 project (Coordinating and integrating state of the art Earth Observation Activities in the regions of North Africa, Middle East, and Balkans and Developing Links with GEO related initiatives towards GEOSS) was held in Great Hall of the Central Headquarters of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria. The Workshop was jointly organized by the Project coordinator National Observatory of Athens (NOA) and the Project partner Space Research and Technology Institute (SRTI).
This regional workshop was focused on identifying the potential local challenges hindering the Earth Observation (EO) market uptake and business performances, while seeking solutions to enhance growth and innovation in the geo-information sector. The possibilities for knowledge sharing and an enhanced cooperation between academia and industry were discussed.
There was a discussion of problems on Balkan region where the products and services provided by the Earth Observation Sector are an essential element in making management decisions.
Within the framework of the event were presented the opportunities for European financing activities in the "Earth observation" sector.
Remote Sensing Application Center – ReSAC and Agency of Sustainable Development and Eurointegration – Ecoregions (ASDE) participated jointly with two presentations:
On 06-07 February 2016 the International Scientific Conference: Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services – Science in action was held in Metropolitan Hotel, Sofia, Bulgaria. Projects funded through the program BG03 "Biodiversity and ecosystems" of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2009-2014 were discussed during the conference.
The conference was attended by different participants from the Ministry of environment and water, Norwegian institute for Nature Research, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Executive Forest Agency within the Ministry of Agriculture and Foods, Remote Sensing Application Center - ReSAC, Bulgarian National Network, Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP), National LTER Network (LTER-Bg), National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, European Commission, DG Environment, The James Hutton Institute etc.
The conference aimed to bring together researchers from different countries to discuss the scientific aspects of mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services. It was focused on the methods for mapping of ecosystem services, the challenges and problems of their implementation in the national assessments related to MAES - Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services. The program included plenary sessions with keynotes and workshops on the main conference topics:
Experts from the Center ReSAC participated in the preparation and presentation of two presentations and two poster in the projects FEMA and GRASS, in a team of scientists from the IBER - Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - BAS.
This includes:
1. Mapping of freshwater ecosystems – types, condition and services in Bulgaria: some aspects and practical solutions;
2. How to assess grassland ecosystems' condition – first comprehensive methodology for Bulgaria.
The website Conference:
Agenda of the Conference | ![]() |