Project “3D Modeling of Sofia Region Using Radar Imagery”, Agency for Sustainable Development and Eurointegration, in Collaboration with BASA-ReSAC in the Frame of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, DLR Germany, NASA, PI No. AO040

Participants: ASDE, BASA-ReSAC

In September 1998 German Aerospace Center issued an Announcement of Opportunity for the use of data originated by the payload of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. The evaluation was completed in March 1999.

From Bulgarian side Agency of Sustainable Development and Eurointegration (ASDE) participated with the project proposal "Model for Sustainable Development and Eurointegration for "Sofia-East" Ecological Zone". As a result of the evaluation process ASDE proposal was accepted. The SRTM data were used in the continuation of the project one result of which is the creation of the Digital Atlas of Ecozone “Sofia-East”. SRTM data were integrated and merged with other sources of satellite information, thematic maps, topomaps and reference data.

In the original data no editing has been performed, and the elevation data contained numerous voids and other spurious points such as anomalously high or low values.

For the correction of errors several image processing techniques and GIS analyses and processing were performed to obtain correct data. The BASA-ReSAC did data processing and analyses.
