
ReSAC participates in numerous projects as a leading institution and as member of consortium.

Since its establishment in 1998, ReSAC has fulfilled and participated in more than 40 projects both local and international. The projects are targeted to applications of remote sensing and GIS in agriculture and environmental management, land cover/land use, soil and forest inventory, water resources, environmental hazards, and urban planning. In all of the projects the remote sensing and GIS techniques have been used.


Reseller Agreement - 2017

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Център за приложение на спътникови изображения - РЕСАК

Технически офис

Aдрес: ул."Цар Асен" 61, ет. 2, 1463 София, България
Тел.: +359 2 9800731
Факс: +359 2 9800731
Ел. поща:



Aдрес: ул. "Кокиче" 9, 1164 София, България
Тел.: +359 2 4709672
Тел./Факс: +359 2 4709075